Music magazine questionnaire

1.       Male                  Female 

2.       Age:
10-15                16-20               20+

3.       Are you:
A Student                Employed                   Unemployed

4.       How long do you listen to music for in a day?
1-2 Hours                    3-4 Hours                       5+Hours

5.       How much money a week do you spend on music? (downloading, magazines)
£1-£2                   £2-£5                   £5-£10                   £10+

6.       How often do you purchase a music magazine?
Weekly                    Every few weeks                 Monthly                  Never                Ever so often 

7.       How much do you pay for a music magazine in the shops?

Up to £1                £1-£2               £2-£3                £3+                 

8.       What genre of music do you prefer? (Tick more than one if necessary)

R n B                Pop              Rock               Heavy Metal               Punk Rock             Classical
Jazz                  Reggae              Electronic

9.       How many concerts do you attend yearly or have been to this year?

1-2                  2-3                3-4                  5+                      

10.   What merchandise do you purchase from your favourite bands/artists? (tick more than one if necessary)

T Shirts                  Posters                    CD’s                  Stationary                 Books                 

Stickers                  Programmes                 Bags                Badges                 

11.   What shots do you prefer when looking at a magazine?
Close up                  Distant                    In-Action                      Posed

12.   What do you look for in a magazine?
Reviews                 Interviews                   Gossip                 Poster                Concert info 

13.   What colours attract you?
Bright and bold(red, purple, blue)                  Pale and Plain(white, pink)