Music Magazine- Front Cover

Music Magazine- Contents Page

Music Magazine- Double Page Spread


This is just a small image to show me completing my sketch of my front cover. I placed my picture and paper up against a window so i could draw around it to see the size i would need my image of the band to be in order to fit an A4 peice of paper.


These images are rough sketches of my magazine. When i had my images, i just put on to paper my main ideas to then put into fireworks when making my magazine. When i produce my magazine i will make changes to the design but it will follow something along the lines of this.

Chosen shots for my music magazine

The shots i have decided to use for my magazine

Which one?

This image shows a type of questionnaire i got my target audience to look at and tell me what image they thought would look best for my front cover. I went round, asked people and then tallied up the one with the most likes. The chosen image that people preferred was the one on the right. This was chosen over the other image because it is closer up so more interaction with the audience and it shows their characters through actions and facial expression.